iQuassel for iPhone and iPod

In our spare time at Woboq, we also do projects that scratch our own itches. For Olivier this was his web-based source code browser, for me it was my Quassel IRC client for iPad.
A lot of people wanted me to port it to iPhone/iPod too, so before my last China holiday, I bought an iPod touch (Yes, I don't have an iPhone, my Nokia N9 works just fine...) and used some time of my holiday to make those people happy.
The porting itself was going quite fast since with iOS you are forced to work with the MVC pattern. I just had to implement a new UIStoryboard UI for the iPhone/iPod and change my controller code at several points, depending on the result of a call to UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM(). Polishing, testing and fixing took the most time, as usual.
So, without further ado, please enjoy Quassel IRC on iPhone and iPod .
PS: It's a universal app, so if you've already bought the iPad version, you get this one for free.
PPS: Apple didn't like the old icon anymore, so yaccin made a new one.
PPPS: Do you need hosting for your core?
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Article posted by Markus Goetz on 25 February 2013
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