Est. 2011


Here are some videos of our talks/presentations. We might not be reading the YouTube comments, so if you have a question or need help in a related topic, please send us an e-mail.

Verdigris: Using Qt without moc

Olivier Goffart at QtDay Italia 2019

Call C++ from Rust with the cpp crate Interoperate with C++ libraries, using Qt as an example

Olivier Goffart at FOSDEM 2019

Improve your productivity with Clang tools

Olivier Goffart at Qt World Summit 2017

Qt's moc and QMetaObject reflection

Olivier Goffart at Meeting C++ 2016

using namespace std;

Olivier Goffart at Qt World Summit 2015


Using the Qt Quick Scene Graph API

Jocelyn Turcotte at Qt World Summit 2015


Code Sample

Basic Networking with Qt

Markus Goetz at Qt World Summit 2015

Code Sample

Introduction to lock free programming or how to use QAtomic classes

Olivier Goffart at Qt Developer Days 2014

Two Uses Cases For The Clang C++ Parser: Online Code Browser And Qt Moc Replacement

Olivier Goffart at FOSDEM 2014

Signals and Slots in Qt 5

Olivier Goffart at Qt Developer Days 2013

QtCore in Depth

Olivier Goffart at Qt Developer Days 2012

Development of Multi-threaded applications

Olivier Goffart at Qt Developer Days 2011

Basic Networking with Qt

Markus Goetz at Qt Developer Days 2011

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